September 18, 2008

Du är det finaste jag vet


  1. ni två är så läskigt fina tillsammans.
    ps, nu länkar jag till dig från min blogg.
    puss :*

  2. åh, du och Leo verkar ha det så bra. Hur har ni lyckats hålla ihop så länge? Ni är ju så unga ändå!

  3. Hey ! Really nice shots !

    I'm curious : the pictures are publihed in a bigger size than allowed by blogger.. why ?

    Thx !

  4. anonym > man får kämpa en hel del ibland, men det är verkligen värt det, om man känner att allt är rätt :)

    arslim > what do you mean, "allowed"? is there a limit to how large a photo can be? if so, shouldn't it be impossible to post photos larger than blogger allows? I always resize my photos to make them fit the layout, and I don't see how they could be too big?

  5. Yes, there's a limit, and there's also a border. I'll try to resize my pics...

    Thx for the answer ! : )

  6. arslim > what's the limit then? I know about the border, but what does that have to do with the size? you can post images in any size as I see it, but the "thumbs" in the actual entries will always have a standard size :)

  7. When you upload a pic, you have a choice to make between "small", "medium" and "large" size... I don't understand : s

    But it doesn't matter, it's ok : )

    I like your blog.

  8. ah, now I see what you mean. but it doesn't mean blogger doesn't allow larger photos, you just have to post the images through somewhere else. I upload my vertical photos with imageshack and then post the HTML-code into the entry I'm writing. Simple as that :)
