Hi! I'm Annette. As I'm writing this is I am twenty-five years old.

I live here, in a city on the southern west coast of Sweden. My apartment is located somewhere to the left (or outside the frame) in this photo.

I'm very fond of these two. Leia & Sputnik.

Monday to friday for the last three+ years I have been working as a web editor and photographer for an online store in Sweden, Minfot.se. We sell insoles that make your shoes more comfortable, cosy slippers and other stuff. And honestly, I couldn't ask for a better job.

When the weather allows it, I like to go on really long bike rides.

When I'm not working I often bake cookies. Or pies, as above. And then I eat it all.

Another thing I really like is breakfast. Mostly during the weekend when there's no rush, preferably combined with music. On weekdays I usually only have about five-ten minutes to eat breakfast (I never learn how to wake up early enough) in front of the news on tv. This morning I had soy yoghurt topped with banana, kiwi, mulberries and crisp bread with cream cheese. I almost had time to eat it all.
Besides this blog I have a portfolio that I haven't updated in forever, a print shop, an instagram account and a facebook profile.
Emails can be sent to info[at]annettepehrsson.se. I usually answer emails on saturdays and sundays.
In my previous post I asked you to tell me about your favorite blogs, and to reciprocate I will do the same.
A few that I really like and happily read everytime there's a new post is hejregina by Agnes, niotillfem by Sandra, vardagsbrus by Frida and the road is home by Nirrimi.
I would be so happy if some of you would like to tell me something about yourself, where you are from, what you do etc., or guide me to your own blog/instagram/whatever.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
That's a very pretty life.
You're sweet. It might look prettier here than it actually is though.
Hey Annette, I absolutely love your blog! It's still one of my favorites even if you haven't been online so much for a while! I love your photographs and just the way you are! You have something unique and I'm always happy to see if you're uploaded a new blogpost or even a picture on Instagram! Please stay as you are and go your way! You are amazing and really one of the people who inspires me the most! I'm Viola and I am originally from a small town in the country side from Germany, but one year ago I moved to Berlin. Still don't know if this was a good decision or if I am just too much a country side girl! I am studying photography, but to be really honest, I am just in the middle of my journey to find out what I want and who I am! You're a big part of it, even you don't know! :D Lots of love, one of your biggest fans! :)
ReplyDeleteMy Blog: http://viola-k.blogspot.de My Instagram: http://instagram.com/violalila
Hi Viola, and thanks for your sweet words! I think I'm a little bit of a country girl as well, cities that are too big honestly freak me out more than anything. Good luck with your photography studies and thanks again :) <3
DeleteHey Annette, I'm from California but now living in New York for grad school. I love your pictures & outlook on life :)
ReplyDeleteBlog: www.blogspot.com/bisoushells
Hi Shelly, thank you so much and good luck in school :)
DeleteHello :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're here more often, I love your photography and I really envy you your job, it's a dream job! :)
I'm your follower for quite some time and you were always an inspiration.
My name is Mary, I'm 24 and I live in northern Poland. I'm a photography student, I take photos for 7 years now. I love tea, books and analog cameras. I wish I had a cat and my own flat, but unfortunately it's impossible for now. My biggest dream is to travel - I absolutely love visiting new places. I wish I could live happily in a small, wooden house somewhere on the edge of the world.
my blog is here: http://anatomiaduszy-photo.blogspot.com/
and my instagram is here: http://instagram.com/novembergloom
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Mary! Thank you, and I'm glad you're here as well! Sometimes even I can't believe that I actually got this job, that I get paid to take photos, edit and do a little web design. I hope you'll be able to find a flat (or a wooden house) where you can drink tea, read books and have a cat to takes pictures of. xo!
DeleteHej! Jag har följt dig ända sedan bilddagbokstiden. Jag tyckte att du tog så inspirerande, vackra och lite spöklika bilder, och du har bara blivit bättre och bättre. <3
ReplyDeleteTack snälla söta! Gud, bilddagboken alltså. Så himla längesen! Men det känns verkligen som att det hela började där, på något sätt. Glad att jag kommit en bit på vägen nu!
I forgot to link you to one of my favorite bloggers: http://cavaan.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteHer writing is very soothing and her photographs are lovely ! It's a win-win, really.
My name is Clara. I am currently 26, live in Barcelona (though I have wandered around Madrid for a long time, London, a Belgium here and there) and have just finished an MA in American Literature. I teach kids and plan on pursuing a phD on American literature soon. I love photography and have taken pictures for about 8 years now. I also enjoy learning languages, playing the guitar, aubergines (so much), saturn peaches, cooking (my brother is a chef, which is a plus) and traveling. My last memorable trip was to Japan and South Korea. Truly epic.
My blog is http://clararomanphotography.blogspot.com but I write in Spanish. I also have a Tumblr (in English), http://clararoman.tumblr.com although I am so cool that last week I deleted (on accident) all of my tumblr blogs, losing my followers and posts. YAY.
And this is my instagram: http://instagram.com/claretax
Oh, and portfolio, of course. www.clararoman.com
Enough spam now. Thanks so much for sharing your images x
Thanks for the links Clara! Your tumblr is really nice, sorry to hear you accidentaly deleted everything and lost followers + posts. I'm sure you'll get back on track again though! Congrats on your MA and good luck with the phD :)
DeleteDå kan man skriva på svenska då istället, förra kommentaren tror jag jag skrev på engelska ;) Tack för en otroligt fin blogg
ReplyDeleteHaha, ja, det kan en göra! Svårt att veta ibland. Tusen tack själv! Din blogg är jättefin, jag kommer definitivt kika in där i fortsättningen.
DeleteHalmstad...Galgberget...very nice place...I spent some time in Falkenberg, close. That was several years ago...Greetings
ReplyDeleteBest view in town! ;) Falkenberg is nice as well.
DeleteHello Annette, I'm from Germany and I've been reading your Blog for a few years now - I absolutely love the pictures you take!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to read a few personal things from you. :)
I always look forward to see something new from you.
Have a calm and relaxing evening,
Miss Vixen
I'm so glad you think so! I'm thinking I will probably be a little more personal here from now on. Makes my mind feel better, with everything that's been going on lately.
DeleteI'm so happy you're blogging regularly again! I've been a fan of your blog and instagram for such a long time.
I'm happy you're still here! Your blog is lovely, I will be visiting from now on :)
DeleteHi! My name is Brittany & I like in Portland, OR in the US. I've been following your blog for so long (I think I found it through Flickr?) and was so surprised when a new post popped up in my feed.
ReplyDeleteMy blog is at: blog.brittanyvchavez.com
Hi Brittany! Hopefully there will be more regular posting here from now on, unless I run out of things to say or show.
I just found your blog but I'm absolutely hooked.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I'm a swede too *hej hej* and just moved back to stockholm to study Digital Media at Hyper Island after 4yrs in london (which is my favourite place on the planet). I love live gigs, rooftops, messy whiskey nights and my man. Obvs all chliches but I don't mind. Also love getting older and dream about wooden floors in a loft somewhere where I can do my digital illustrations, get laid a lot and write novels.
Hej Linn! Tack för att du lämnade några rader och fick mig att hitta till din blogg också, gillar den så mycket! ps. loft med trägolv där en kan illustrera, ligga och skriva låter helt perfekt, tror att jag ska drömma om det också från och med nu.
DeleteÅh kul! Blir hur glad som helst. Alltså det är en fin dröm så det tycker jag verkligen.
DeleteHejdå! Jag heter Oona och jag är från Finland(fife years of swedish lessons and right now that's all I can write in swedish... nooo, I'm just tired!).
ReplyDeleteI believe that everything happens for a reason. I see beauty everywhere, I love silence and cats! On sunday i'm coming to Sweden! :)
So, here is my instagram account where I have photos of our cats, nature and just oridinary things...: www://instagram.com/numerovarjo
Love your work! kram. ♥
Hej Oona! You're numerovarjo on instagram! I see your name there every once in a while (for some reason it always gets my attention), and your feed is lovely. I'll add you later, I can't find my phone right now.. Have a nice stay in Sweden! Kram <3
DeleteHello! I'm from Prague, Czech Republic and my name is also Annette (Aneta in Czech). I think I've been following your blog for around two years now and it's still one of my favorites - there's something unique about your photos... Also, they always make me regret that I'm not good at photography, ha ha. Recently I finished my bachelor studies of Czech and French (both language and literature) and I'd like to continue to MA, but I didn't succeed at the matriculation exam so now I'm searching for a job. Besides literature and learning languages I like cats as you do (and I do have one at home), long walks, tea, pies, traveling (but mostly I don't have enough money for that) and postcrossing (do you know this project?).
ReplyDeleteI don't have a blog now; I'm considering making one but still I don't have an exact conception. Thinking about any Czech blog worth visiting (I realise I don't follow many Czech blogs), this one arrives on my mind: morningaffair.blogspot.cz - it's by a girl who studies Swedish and was in Sweden as an au-pair; it's in Czech, but I think she takes nice pictures too.
So, I think this is enough spam from me :) Hope you'll share your photos with us for another couple of years!
Thank you so much! Sounds like we have a lot in common (cats, walks, tea, pies and traveling that I never have enough money for either). I don't know what postcrossing is though, tell me more (if you see this reply, that is..).
DeleteGood luck with the job hunting and thanks for the blog suggestion, always fun to visit something new!
Hallo, Korin fra Norge her. Kom over bloggen din for ikkje så lenge siden (og er utrulig glad for at du er tilbake). Har selv nettopp begynt å blogge, holder fortsatt på med å finne ut av ting (er ikkje så lett som det ser ut til, hehe)
instagram: @kst92
Hej Korin, så kul att du hittat hit! Bloggande är definitivt inte så lätt som det ser ut ibland, finns alltid nya saker att lära sig och upptäcka :)
DeleteHey! I think this a great way to welcome new followers (since I'm a new follower as well. Hello! Melis from Turkey). And I just wanted to say I love your photos!
ReplyDeleteGlad you think so, and thank you so much! <3
Deletehello and thank you!
ReplyDelete(nikaela from canada)
hey, thanks yourself!
DeleteDet är så roligt att du bloggar igen! Jag har följt dig sedan bilddagboken och det måste ju vara typ 8 år sedan? Jag heter i alla fall Frida, är från Åland, bor i Göteborg. Pluggar till journalist och heter fridamyemilia på instagram. (era katter är beeedårande)
ReplyDeletehej frida, så kul att du tycker det! ja jisses, bilddagboken var ju en evighet sen och känns så himla avlägset nu. ibland (fast nu var det länge sen sist) loggar jag in där bara för att kolla hur det såg ut. kram!
DeleteHey Annette!
ReplyDeleteI have been following you and your blog since.. forever, since Flickr and everything. I love your style, photographs, and the fact that you talk about your life and show some everyday sneak-peaks into it..
I was also on flickr, but haven't updated that in ages - not sure if I will ever return there, but here is my page - http://flickr.com/photos/pocket-size-sea/
Now I mostly post to instagram @rainscience
I also have a website I need to update really bad - http://rainscience.co.uk/
and a little print shop nobody knows about, haha - https://www.etsy.com/shop/mintkate
I'm really glad you've started posting more again, it's great to see your photos and read what you write again. :)
hi kate! thank you so much!
Deletehonestly I don't think I will ever use flickr again. it's just not the same anymore, and I don't really know why.. but it just doesn't feel like the right medium, like people don't look at photos in that way now, somehow.
Hi! So I'm a graphic designer from the western part of Norway (the fjord-mountain-part) and am currently studying visual communication in Reykjavik, Iceland! In december i'll move back to Norway (Bergen), to my friends, family and boyfriend, but for now life is better than ever up here in the north.
ReplyDeleteps, kunne sikkert skrive på norsk - men det kjendes litt rart når alt anna var på engelsk berre!
hi johanne, nice to meet you! I would love to visit iceland some day, a little bit jealous that you get to live there right now! good luck with your studies :)
DeleteWell hello there :) I'm Kelsey; I live in Melbourne, Australia with my bearded gentleman and our rabbit, Jango (of Star Wars, not Django Unchained). I would absolutely love any advice you could provide about becoming a photographer. It sounds so infantile and immature, to want to be a photographer in a saturated industry, but it's what I truly want. It's also something I'm not particularly naturally talented in. This is my blog: http://stationary-stationery.blogspot.com.au/ Any tips or tricks or advice on my photos you could provide would be very much appreciated :) Thank you.
ReplyDeleteP.S - I adore your hair colour. I always wanted to be a natural red-head.
Hi Kelsey! That's a great name for a rabbit! Anything star wars is great, I would say. Our Leia is also named after Princess Leia.
DeleteHonestly I don't know if I have any advice on becoming a photographer, but I guess it depends on what field you would like to work in or what kind of photographer you would like to be? All I can say is basically: keep shooting, learn, evolve and have fun with it! And don't forget to share your favorite pieces. I was hired by my superiors because they liked my photos and the fact that I had a blog and a website that I had built myself. On the other hand I do mostly product photography at work and that's not really the same as being, say, a fashion photographer for instance, but still!
Looking at your blog I immediately thought you could be a great travel photographer! So many nice snaps to look at.
And your rabbit is so sweet, btw!
Hi Annette, I have been following your photography and work for some years now and have always loved it. I am a photographer and film-maker who lives in Austin, TX (even though I am not American). I like cats, adventures and cakes too!
ReplyDeleteYour photography is amazing! Love your work.
Lovely post.
ReplyDeleteHello Annette! Love you work. I'm from Toronto and I'm a designer.
this is so pretty. i just adore your photography and these peaks into your life.
ReplyDeletesince you asked... I"m Abigail, i am 17 years old. i live in the middle of the United States in a small town surrounded by farms. i love playing the banjo, but i play other things and love music and taking pictures of pretty things i see and my dog and i recently started making short films.
i'm so inspired by whatever you put out here, keep up the wonderful job, dear.
You are so pretty and your blog is the only one left from my feed that I bother follow. You, Leo, your cats and the quietness.. It's always touching in a way.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Wirginia, I'm from Poland. I have been following your photography for some years. I remember your short hair! I liked dark color of them :) I'm glad you are here again. I waiting for next blogpost and new photos.
ReplyDeleteGreetings for you, Leo and your cats (I have cat too;))
Hej Annette!
ReplyDeleteI´m Maarja and I am from Estonia, I live in Berlin, but 4 years ago I lived for 2 years in Sweden, Järna.
I felt in Estonia that I want to live in country side, so somehow it happened that I had possibility to move to Sweden, to learn how it is to grow carrots and make compost and feed animals. I liked it a lot. I lived in this farm one year and then I left my husvagn and moved some kilometers away to one other place, into another husvagn. :) I worked in one special school called Solvik skolan. And there I met a person who came from Germany and with him I moved after school year to Berlin. So, I wanted to live in country side, but I ended up in Berlin! This is the life and I love it.
Now I´m still visiting both Estonia and Sweden, I like to have different quality of different lands.
I´m learning by my own to make web sites, I´m photographing, doing some graphic design works...
In Sweden I make psychology education "Kommunikatsion som konst".
Here is my blog: m-urb.de/blog
Hei hei Annette!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I am so happy to see you posting regulary on your blog these days. Every time I see a new pose I feel inspired, and smiling. I think it's always a good day when you can go out in nature, explore and wander. When I see you doing that it reminds me of going out more often. I lived for half a year in Bergen, Norway, and hiked up so many mountain tops and walked almost every day in the forest around my house. But in the Netherlands almost all the land is flat and it is so crowded with people that there ain't so much untouched nature or wild forests.
I hope that every day will be a better one then yesterday since the lost of your mother. You are doing good.
A lot of love from a rainy Utrecht, xx Loes
Instagram: @zoetewildernis
Hi Annette! Here Kasia from Poland (: I'm 23 years old student of clinical chemistry (want to be a Medical laboratory scientist) but in my free time I take a lot of photos (especially walls^^') and listen to music from Iceland (it's addictive). I really like watching your blog (I don't know for how long now...3 years?) and it's something constant in my life (:
ReplyDeleteIf you want to see some parts of my life:
Have a nice day (:
See? People love you! They're waiting for you ( me too ). Maybe because you're so calm and mysterious. I feel the warmth in your photos, in your reality and live. You're real.
ReplyDeleteAnd... I'm Ewa and i live in Poland, near the capital now. I'm 24 years old.I am a graduate of the Fine Arts. I want to work as an illustrator and also as a cultural worker. It's my wish. I do everything to do this. I love drawing, painting, make films and sometimes take photos ( once i done almost solely photos ). I love music, good films and books. I like cooking ( once i workes as a cooker in Warsaw in Lebanese restaurant, and in bar with seafood ). If you want to know what i do, you can look at this ( recently i started write also in english )
Best wishes!
Thank you Kaylan! It feels really good being active here again, I think I really needed this. I wish I lived in an old house and had my own chickens as well. Good luck with your MFA! xo
ReplyDeleteHej Annette och hälsningar från Finland! Jag heter Jenna och har följt dig kanske fem år nu. Jag jobbar som översättare (översätter t.ex. handarbets- och kokböcker till finska) och har två katter, Marla och Lion. Njuter av allt vackert i livet.
ReplyDeleteVad skönt att du är tillbaka och tack för en inspirerande blogg.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Tine Katrine, and I live right outside Oslo. I like to take photos, cuddle with my dog Moshi, travel and be outside in the nature. I've been sick for five years, so I don't do a lot, but I stay positive.
I'm cooling down with your posts. thank you.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post! Beautiful pictures to go along with interesting words :)
ReplyDeleteMy name is ToniAnn, I'm from the US, and I just recently started my own lifestyle blog!
You capture everything so beautifully!
ReplyDeleteSophia | sophiebysophia.blogspot.com
Hi Annette,
ReplyDeleteyour self-portrait is just awesome!
Your photography inspires me a lot!
Keep your head up and your heart strong!
Grüße aus Deutschland,
bea heter jag och är från gbg. har nyss börjat plugga filosofi! jag gillar blått, hundar, konstiga filmer, och att skriva & fundera på saker. jag fotograferar en del & har precis fått min första lägenhet. det känns som jag följt din blogg för alltid ungefär! blev en jättenice överraskning med detta inlägget. gillar dina bilder så mkt.
ReplyDeletewhat a lovely, simple way to describe the things and people important to you!
I really liked what you said about breakfast-I'm crazy for breakfast, too! In this moment I have decided to treat every meal as if it were breakfast.
My name is Robyn, I'm 22, and I like in Manchester. Today the sky is a bright silver colour.
Please carry on with your beautiful words and works
Hey there,
ReplyDeleteI first thought I already commented here, but I couldn't find my comment so here I go again. Well, that tells something about my memory already, I am bad at remembering things. Anyway, the name's Sushy, I am from the Netherlands. I work as an illustrator and programmer right now. I would prefer to work only as an illustrator though. :>
I have a little dwarf hamster as pet. I am 25 too.
Such beautiful pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteMarissa Jamie : Faithfully, Marissa ♡
Hi Annette, this post is so beautiful. As I said before I have been following you since I was a teenager! My name is Nina, I posted a little about me in the last comment, not sure if you remember. I live in Vancouver and was born in Serbia, so I speak Serbian and English. I really want to learn French and I think Swedish is such a beautiful language. I love taking pictures and you have inspired me to re-create a photo blog, I just made one on tumblr and added my photos up until 2011, link is with my name.
ReplyDeleteHello from California! Love your photos :)
ReplyDeleteHi there!
ReplyDeleteI'm Johanna, art student from Finland. Your blog was a big inspiration to me many years ago when I started photographing. During these years I have found my way to art school and couldn't be happier. I think you have inspired a lot of people like me and I hope you continue doing that. Happy to see your blog living again!
I'm Annette too ( Aneta in Poland).
ReplyDeleteApparently your blog is timeless ;) Like Chanel brand ;)
But now - you have no choice ! People want you ! You have to go back to the vitual world of bloggers ;)
Meanwhile, I invite you to my space > http://atticwindowstudio.blogspot.com
Please, pictures more ofter, Annete ! :-) (Oh, I love your home !)
ReplyDeleteah not ofter, often (of course !)
ReplyDeleteAttic window, can't let a com on your nice blog !!
ReplyDeleteThank you Nikole, I know, I have some problems with blogspot ... :)
Deleteit should be ok now
DeleteHi Anette,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you are blogging again! I missed your pictures.
I, myself, am from Poland, 21 years old. I'm studying study of culture, but i'm planning to start interior design next year. I was thinking of filmschool (since i love photography), but i'm not so sure now. I am also crazy cat lady.
My blog: http://atomova.blogspot.com/
hi there! So manny comments already but here is me. I'm Elvira, 31 already (time flies) and in love with Scandinavia. Bought a house and I'm so happy with my guy and cats. Love photography, love to enjoy summer days and drinking wines. And think you should blog more often from now on!
ReplyDeleteIt's an remarkable post in favor of all the online people; they will get benefit from it I am sure.
ReplyDeleteMy web page; Madden NFL Hack
I've been following you for years, it's nice to see you updating your blog. Crazy - when I started reading your blog you had dark cropped hair! Love these recent photos and looking forward to future posts xx
ReplyDeleteHi Anette. Just realized, that your blog has woken up from long winter sleep and it made my morning nicer (I used to read your blog while having breakfast). But I fully understand, that "hybernation" is sometimes, when life gets rough, neccessary. Wish you all the best in present and future days.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Iv, 28, from Slovakia. Studied psychotherapy studies, now studiing again and working as photographer (mostly food and restaurants interiors). To ballance this not always very "poetic" stuff I run www.zazrkadlom.blogspot.sk , about everyday things/moments around (feel more than welcome to stop by in this little virtual universe of mine). I consider photography as good auto-therapy as well.
And thank you for this space offered to your readers, I found nice blogs between these comments for myself.
Hi Annette!
ReplyDeleteI found your photography a few years ago - can't remember how or when, but I ventured through the grapevine and eventually added your blog onto my feed :) I have always admired and loved your film photography and your style - it's very raw and organic, and has a lot of depth to it.
My name is Jessica and I live in Sydney, Australia. I am a photographer too, but currently am self-employed. I mainly photograph families/weddings/portraits. I've only just turned it into a business in the last several months so it's still getting there. I have been photographing on and off for the last few years, but only in the last 12 months have I decided to do more with it.
I live in an apartment with my boyfriend, and long to own some pugs (but we can't have pets here). Maybe when we get a house in the future! I also play video games :)
I have a blog here: http://www.duckyjessica.com/blog, a Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/duckyjessicaphotography and an Instagram here: http://www.instagram.com/_duckyjessica
I am wondering how you landed your current job! I'm still not sure if I want to work full-time as a photographer for a company, or continue doing my own thing. Your job sounds lovely.
Hi :) I'm Iwona and I am a blogger and illustrator :) I just found your blog, which is interesting and cute:) I really like it :) I would like to show you my blog and my illustrations and If you get a second, I' d love to hear your thoughts on topic my illustrations and blog:) I greet:)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that you came back to us. Good luck with new happiness.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and so glad you're posting new things! I find your photos of the outdoors particularly inspiring, especially the depth of the colors.
ReplyDeleteI have an all-film photo blog too, here's one of my good posts: http://malborkmalbork.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html. I'm having more trouble taking photos now that I live in a city.
Best wishes
I think I should go to learn English at first then I can talk to you well. I fell so sorry about you mum,maybe time can heal the pain.
ReplyDeleteI first got know you was on flickr,I like you photos a lot .( I really like flickr too,every time i look at the great photos I feel that taking pictures is such a good thing , even though in mainland of China we cant display it without VPN)
And I searched your name on instagram last year and followed you :)
I am from China,I like traveling,photography,sunshine,plants ,and very recently drawing. I love nature.
I think my favourite blog is your blog. maybe I can tell you about an illustrator from china, www.oamul.com ,his instagram :oamul
Wish you could understand my poor English and i whish i could express myself better next time.
Best wishes!
Hi Annette, I'm Janie from the Netherlands and I've been following your blog (and Instagram) for awhile now. So good to see you back on my bloglovin feed these days! Thank you for sharing all your beautiful photos and stories with us. Some stories may be difficult to share, but by telling your story you help yourself and it might help someone else navigate through theirs. <3
ReplyDeleteA bit more about me: http://lemonstale-blog.blogspot.com
Lots of love your way...
Åh, men du är ju verkligen så himla världsbäst på det här med fotografering. Så fint. Har följt dig enda sedan jag upptäckte att det fanns någonting som hette blogg (kanske tre år sedan hehe) och en blir ju lika peppig varje gång det dyker upp någonting nytt från dig, mest kanske för att det känns så ärligt. Jag själv har ingen blogg (tror jag skulle vara hemskt dålig på det faktiskt) och försöker leva ett Berlinliv samtidigt som jag frilansar med musik.
ReplyDeleteHursomhelst. Jag är nog inte ensam om att tycka att du är helt fantastiskt bra, men ville bara säga det ändå.
En bloggkram till dig!
Hello Annette!
ReplyDeleteI’m Maria, I’m 34 and I live in north Italy (Milan area). Monday to Friday I work as Inside Sales, but at weekends I devote my time to photography. I shoot mainly with analogue and instant cameras, but every now and then I make room for pixels too.
I bumped into your blog 2 years ago and ever since that moment I was literally hooked by your aesthetics. I think you were born to photograph and your pictures have a strong cathartic power.
Thank you for sharing them.
Besides photography, I love reading and bike riding, listening to music and travelling.
I have a blog where I share the moments I hold through my pictures:
if you want to have a look at it, I’ll be very happy to welcome you there :)
I’m sorry for the loss of your mum.
I send you my biggest hug and my best wishes for everything.
Hej! Jag har nyligen hittat till din blogg via bloglovin och jag ÄLSKAR den. Du tar så himla fina bilder! Det känns som att komma in i en liten drömsk bubbla när man klickar sig in på din blogg.
ReplyDeleteLite om mig: är 23, bor för tillfället i Perth (Australien), och är nästintill besatt av musik och litteratur. När väl, likt många andra, en dröm om att någon gång publicera en roman. Och älskar också helg-frukostar, helst med jazzmusik och en tidning! Det är helt klart bästa målet.
Hoppas du fortsätter med bloggandet! <3
your photography is absolutely gorgeous~♪
ReplyDeleteHi Annette, I have been following your blog for a couple years. What I especially love about your photographer is the simplicity and the color tones. I also really like your personal style of your home and clothes. I was very sorry to hear about your mother's death. My condolences. Keep creating beauty!
ReplyDeleteHi Annette, you are by far my favorite photographer! I love browsing through your photos both on the blog and instagram and I never get bored of them.
ReplyDeleteSomething about me, I am from Thailand! I have recently quit my full time job just to sell bits and pieces online and I find myself to be the happiest right now.
I love traveling and I dream to go and meet you in Sweden one day for you to take a photo for me :)
My instagram is viriair :)
Hej Anette :) I discovered your blog just a few months ago and I instantly fell for it as I really love photography too. You can find me on Instagram (@smarksthespots) or my blog (www.smarksthespots.com) Keep being as creative, fun and down to earth as you are today. Take care, Sandy.
ReplyDeletegreetings from Helsinki. It's such a dark evening, but your pictures really make me feel warm and inspired.
My name is Tuuli, it means 'the wind' in finnish. Jag kan inte tala pa svenska so mycket.. I grew up in the north, now I live by the sea in this urban environment. I study music in Sibelius Academy. I'm passionate about art, about being kind to people, about being open for the world, about forests, about meditation, about animals, about aesthethics.
You can find my pictures in instagram, http://instagram.com/tuulikaisa.
You're lovely! Have a wonderful week.
ReplyDeleteJag heter också Anette och har följt dig sedan bilddagboken. Dina bilder ger mig en känsla av lugn som få andra lyckas med!
ReplyDeleteI've been seeing your pictures and reading your blog for a long time, and I always feel impressed with your histories and your way of showing your life and feeling through the camera. it's always a pleasure, i hope you keep being this way! you've inspired me and i think i'm not the only one who is attentive to your new entries :)
I rarely do this, but i wanted to congratulate you and tell you it's such a good thing that you do this.
Regars Annette :).
Annette, your work is stunning and simple and it's some of the best on the internet. Been following for a few years now. Recently reworked my brand: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ablearcher/
ReplyDeleteHope you're well. AA
Ameeeeeei as fotos muito legais de mais mesmo 😍😍😍😍
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog and instantly love it. Your blog reads like the life someone photographed in an old polaroid might have led. Your photos are lovely and your cats are so beautiful. I hope you'll write more, your posts are lovely. All the best from Los Angeles, CA.
ReplyDeleteI wrote a post tonight on my site that was inspired by your style a bit, if you'd like to see: www.offyougonow.com
hi, my name is Sue, I'm 21 and I live in Brazil. Visit his blog two years and I love your photos. I am currently in college and work with the local culture.I like to go out at night, photography, music and books. Have a nice day.