July 31, 2011

sunday //

Apple/almond/cheesecake pie + current read.


  1. do you like this book? recently i reading often. now haruki murakami 1Q84.

  2. and second question! do you have an expensive books in sweden?

  3. Det där ser fantastiskt gott ut!

  4. oh my god, where do you find recipes for these goodies?

  5. Delicious! Is it a good book?

  6. You are such a talent!
    I wish I could bake! ;D

  7. Vackert! Jag undrar också hur du får bloggerbannern att synas endast då man för musen över den. Har endast lyckats få den att döljas helt och hållet, men insett att det är rätt osmidigt. Jag förstår om du inte vill svara på designfrågor, men vore roligt med svar :)

  8. Oh I LOVE Raymond Carver so much. Have been studying it at Uni for a while and I just love him... He is so good. One day you should do a post recommending some books...Maybe some that are non-American, as that is what I read for my studies! Anyway, enjoy it :)

  9. joanna: I really do! it's a collection of short stories and so far I have loved them all. how are you liking IQ84? I can't wait to read it! paperback books are usually cheap here, but hardcovers are expensive (at least too expensive for me to buy). I usually buy used books from ebay or amazon though, it's always a little cheaper :)

    jill: det var det verkligen, det får nog bli min nya favoritpaj!

    dana: this came from a book about pies that leo got for his birthday. usually I don't like recipe books at all, but this one is actually really good!

    florencia: oh,it definitely is!

    charlyn: find some good recipes that seems easy to follow and I'm sure you can bake to! :)

    anonymous: det kan du fixa genom att lägga till den här koden precis ovanför första body-paragrafen i din html-mall:

    #navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}


    clara: this one is the first of his books that I've read, but I'm pretty sure I'll read his other work as soon as possible :) and oh, you should, recommended-books-posts are the best!

  10. Åh din blogg är alltid lika fantastisk att kika igenom!

  11. That pie looks absolutely amazing. Loving this simple shot!

  12. that pie looks incredible. i will be checking out that book. there is nothing better than curling up to a good read.


  13. That's one of my favorite books ever. I just made a list of my favorite books (here - http://bedtimemonsters.blogspot.com/2011/07/things-to-read-my-favorite-books.html) and we seem to have such similar tastes. You can't go wrong with Carver and Murakami!

  14. Tusen tack, Annette! Lyckades få koden att fungera och är supernöjd :)Haha, kom också på att man kam skriva namn och bloggadress fastän man inte är inloggad...

  15. oow, that pie looks delicious! now i feel like eating pie...

  16. Scrumptious! Food for the body and food for the soul (books can be so nourishing, I think).

  17. I love everything about this :) xo

  18. gareth Fitzpatrick03 August, 2011 12:51

    Raymond Carver is the best - melancholic but often very insightful about the lives people lead.
    As ever, your images reflect your reading material (although your relationship is clearly a happy one)

  19. Hello! I have recently been given a Zenit-B for my birthday and I am really inspired by the stunning photos on your blog :) do you happen to have any tips or tricks for a complete film newbie like me? I am very interested in art but unfortunately, I am a perfectionist and don't want to ruin lots of rolls of film... Thanks!

  20. Annie: Åh, tusen tack. Kan bara säga samma sak om din hörna här i bloggvärlden!

    dracy: Thanks for the link, I will definitely check some of those books out!

    Annie: Oh, thank you! I'm not really sure if I have any tips or tricks, but take your time to get to know the camera properly and make sure not to use too outdated film :) If you in the future have some more specific questions about it, feel free to ask!

  21. Åh, jag dör en smula varje gång jag kikar in på din blogg. Så fina bilder!
