April 1, 2011

sova magazine

Some nice things landed in the mail this morning, the first issue of Sova Magazine was one of them - a magazine that both Leo and I have some photos in. This little publication is truly gorgeous, it comes in two editions (normal + 'sleepless'). As we were opening up the sleepless edition it felt like opening the record sleeve of a special edition of some album, and all sorts of things fall out, like little pieces of art work and such (if that makes any sense). A huge thank you to Martin for letting us be a part of this! You can buy a copy of the magazine here. (There's also a short interview with me over at time of the thieves.)


  1. is it somehow conneted with the czech republic or slovakia? because sova means 'owl' in czech (as well as in slovakian)! :)

  2. dana: not as far as I know at least, but sova is swedish for 'sleep' :)

  3. it looks really really nice, and your photos look so go under the word "sova" :)

    great for you!

  4. oh, congrats! <3 this is so beautiful, the magazines and the photographs. xx

  5. Congrats to you and Leo!
    Well deserved I say!!!
    And Martin is amazing too!

    Happy friday!

  6. thanks for blogging ♥ i hope you enjoy it & thanks again for taking part of it :) många hälsningar!

  7. Åh gud vad fint, jag dör! Väntar så på mitt exemplar, nu kliar det i fingrarna...

  8. SOVA is OWL in Czech=D

  9. hey I have sent you the question of Interview, hope you will reply it

  10. great interview : ) i like ur photos and minds so much! (p.s.'The Glow, Pt 2' - good!)

  11. Surfar lite runt på nätet efter lite inspiration, har hamnat i en idé svacka när det kommer till foto. Snygga bilder du har i bloggen :) ... fina bilder och fin blogg

  12. What a great publication. Congratulations on getting your work published, both of you! Your work is beautiful and it deserves to be shown around the world.

  13. can I ask, how the people from these magazin find your photos? did they simply ask if they could publish some of your photos?


  14. beatrice: luckily I have a lot of bedroom-photos, haha :)

    martin: we're very much enjoying it ♥

    helen: det är verkligen helt fantastiskt fint :)

    helgesen öjebyn: åh, tackar!

    joanna: I usually get emails in which they ask for permission, so yes, they just ask :)

    thanks everyone!

  15. I know you must hear this all the time, but I'd say it anyway: I love your job. You'really amazing.You had sensitivity for the details around us, and you photos can talk, can express our feelings. You really an artist.

  16. great publication. Do you know where it is to find?

  17. hey annette, i wonder if you have ever promoted yourself as a photographer? all these people find you somehow on the internet, but have you ever suggested your stuff to be published anyhow? :)

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  19. annette great interview...congrats

  20. What a pretty little magazine. Your photos go well with the theme of sleep.

  21. these are very beautiful photographs xx

  22. I enjoy your work! I was looking at your website and could not find an artist statement and was wondering if i could find one somewhere....keep up the good work!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. congrats!

    sova - pronounce in polish as sowa - means owl :) love it!

  25. ursäkta språket men, fan vilken snygg tidning.

  26. I've been following your blog for a while now and really like your work. Congratulations on this publication! I'm looking forward to getting my copy of Sova :-).

  27. alltså, det här är helt fantastiskt och fint att jag inte vet vart jag ska ta vägen.

  28. How exciting! Congratulations!

  29. hej var med i fototävling 2011:


    alla grymma fotografer är med, var med du också!

  30. Åh ja gillar verkligen sova idén, din bilder passar som handen i handsken!! Jättevackert.
