January 9, 2011

paris, texas

I just had to tell you about this movie I saw last night - Paris, Texas. Truly has to be one of the best movies I've ever seen.
(All pictures are stills from the movie).


  1. Recently I watch lots of movies. Catching up. Today I will watch A Beautiful Mind.

  2. I saw this movie last night too !
    And i'm agree with you ... this is one of the best movies I've seen

  3. Wim Wenders's Paris-Texas is a masterpiece!!! Nastassja Kinski is amazingly beautiful and Harry Dean Stanton just perfect. It is my favorite movie since I saw it in 2003. I bought the same red sweater after I watched the movie;)

  4. Being a bit older I saw it when it was released and remember loving it. Kinski was always great and disappeared far to soon. Sadly Hollywood favors young actors. I will have to revisit it sometime. Thanks for the stills really beautiful and yours as well.

  5. tonight, i am going to rent that movie.

  6. It's one of the movies of my life :)

  7. Thanks for spreading the word, Annette. It is my all time favourite film. Wim Wenders just one of the great story teller & Harry Dean Stanton plus Natassja Kinski is just over the top.

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  8. I love watching movies too, don't know this one thought, I heard lots of good things about this movie...the thing I love more about movies is how they inspire me, more than anything else. Have a good 2011 Annette.

  9. hello anette,
    thank you for your visit on my blog.
    I know your photographes for a long time now, and i really think they are beautiful.

  10. This is one of my favourite movies! And looks so amazing! :)

  11. Why do they call it Paris Texas when it does not happen in Paris Texas?

  12. I want to see it, it sound great

  13. One of my all time favorite movies!!!

  14. This movie is great! I love it :).
    You have a amazing blog! I love your pictures, so nice ! I hope you will visit my blog, :) I follow you! xoxo

  15. i saw this film some months ago...

  16. It provided an in-depth look at the subject matter and was well-written. investing in a gold IRA
