August 3, 2010

zenit-b, volume thirty-five


  1. Your photographs just get better and better with every new post on here Annette! I love all of these. The focus in the first one is just gorgeous!

  2. som vanligt så himla himla fint

  3. är sverige verkligen så fint? ja det måste det nog vara. eller du får sverige verka va så mycket vackrare. eller det är vackert annars också :) äh du förstår vad ja menar!

  4. Alla dina foton är så otroligt vackra. Det är som om de vore från en annan, lite finare värld.

  5. din hand och vinbä gör du drömbilder

  6. lovely photos! what a beautiful looking horsey too!


    I adore horses and this one is captured beautifully, though the composition is quite different. Still, it makes me want to pack a bag and set out in search of a place where horses run freely.


    Is Bilbingo a city, a beach, a restuarant? I love that the car is pointed in the direction of the arrow.


    I think Leo & I have the same coat! Looks pretty chic on him, too. The pines (I think?) make a wonderful backdrop.


    The contrast of the berries against your skin is really beautiful.


    Something about the embrace feels sorrowful. Not sure why.

  8. really amazing all of them. Delicate and strong!

  9. the currants are everywhere here in reykjavik right now. you do not notice the bushes until the berries become so bright red - but then when they do you cannot seeing them in almost every yard and every garden. they get deeper and deeper and more ruby-jewel-like until finally we are able to eat some of them - but they stay so tart anyway. that is nice though - their sharpness is a relief.

    anyway - these are beautiful. they always are.

  10. wow anethe... that photos are so beautiful! the horse and fruits - speechless!

  11. love the 4th and the last one, very good!!

  12. Du är ju ren magi.

  13. hey, så fina bilder!

    och, tänkte höra hur du gjort för att dölja bloggerbaren högst upp.

  14. åh men jesus så himla fint. älskar älskar älskar verkligen bilden med bären och handen.

  15. i love the horse annette!your pictures looks like you, i mean they have your style, colors, composition, it's poetry.

    feel free to check my blog one of these days, would be nice :)

  16. otroligt vackert. och din blogg. ÅH

  17. oda: tack :) och sverige är verkligen vackert, men det är kanske inte så lätt att lägga märke till det när man bor här. på något sätt är det lättare att se det i bilder, känns det som.

    bianca: bilbingo is a cargame :) you play bingo while you're sitting in your car on a large parking lot with other people in their cars as well, while someone is yelling out the numbers through a speaker. it's really something that attracts the older population, or so it seems, haha. I remember being along in the car once with my grandmother when I was really young.

    leo just bought that coat on ebay a couple of weeks ago, I really really like it :)

    and thanks for your words bianca, it's always pleasant reading!

    geneviève: I usually love red currants, though this year I haven't had such a craving for them. we went to pick some a while ago but we ended up not eating any of them for some reason. they're very pretty, nonetheless. and thank you!

    betty: tackar! den gömda bloggerbaren kan man fixa med en liten kod som man skriver in i html-mallen. jag kan inte den utantill, men jag skulle tro att du kan hitta den utan problem om du googlar efter "blogger navbar mouseover" eller något i den stilen. jag tror att jag hittade den på någon sorts tips-och-tricks-blogg. skulle det vara så att du inte kan hitta den så får du säga till igen :)

    .: thank you, that is such a nice compliment! to hear that something looks like me feels so fantastic. thank you again :)

    tusen tack för alla kommentarer hörni, ni gör mig så väldigt glad.

    thanks so, so much for all the comments, I can't tell you enough how much I love reading your words.

  18. I always motivated by you, your views and way of thinking, again, appreciate for this nice post.

    - Mark
