August 25, 2010

I guess some of you have already noticed this, but I've changed my blog address! Bloglovin has been updated as well now, and the old address ( re-directs to the new one, so everything is still the same.

One of my old polaroids was featured in issue 22 of JPG Magazine, in the 'Color Theory' gallery. You might need to be a subscriber to view the intire issue, but I'm not really sure how it works these days. The photo to the left on the spread was taken by Beata Czyzowska.


  1. CONGRATULATION!!!!!!! woow! I love your pictures I m following you sine months. You deliver the feature!

    take care

  2. Wow! Grattis otroligt fin bild. kram

  3. Congratulations on making the latest issue! :) I love your work!

  4. Congratulations, you deserve this!

  5. That rocks! Congrats!

    Question: Do they email you and let you know your in the issue? I submit photos all the time but don't subscribe just yet.

  6. second wind, alexandria & scarfmaniac: thanks guys!

    agnes & emelie: tack! :)

    imagination: I got an email saying they were considering the photo for the issue, and asked a few questions about it in order to create a caption. I didn't get a final email saying whether I was selected in the end or not, I just noticed my name in the list in the newsletter :)

  7. imagination: or not in the newsletter, but underneath the issue on the website.

  8. Congratulations! Your photography is a constant inspiration and it's so nice to see you enjoying success!
