I never like sleeping alone. Plus, I have to get up early tomorrow and I know I won't be able to fall asleep anytime soon. To keep myself occupied I'm scanning polaroids, spinning records, watching some mind numbing show on the television and browsing the lovely little 'No thoughts' zine that came in the mail today. You can get a copy for $5 over at We are now in space.
such a multi-tasker. we just moved back to iceland after a stay in california and with our bodies still so confused by the constant nordic summerlight there will not be much sleep for us either. i wish i had my records to spin but they are all packed up in boxes still an ocean and a continent away...
ReplyDeletehave a lovely sleepless evening.
I know what you mean about sleeping alone. Relationships have a way of making one co-dependent--please do not take offense to that. After breaking up with a girl I dated for over 3 years, sleeping alone was excruciating. As was eating, driving, & simply getting through the day. At any rate, 'No Thoughts' looks interesting.
ReplyDeletegeneviève: oh, I would love to live on iceland, or just visiting for a day or two. I hope you had a nice time in california nevertheless, and I wish you a lovely sleepless evening as well :)
ReplyDeletebianca: no offense at all, it is all very true. I've been away from leo for only a few hours and I feel completely.. apathetic of some sorts, which is a little ridiculous. the magazine is truly lovely, viewing something that is all in black and white has a certain feeling to it.
Åh, min No Thoughts kom också den här veckan!
ReplyDeleteDet är hopplöst att sova ensam när man vant sig vid lyxen att somna bredvid någon som betyder mycket. Konstigt känns det också.
Trots att jag saknar min pojkvän när jag sover själv tycker jag att det är ganska skönt ibland. Vad snurrar du för skivor då?
ReplyDeleteDu har verkligen en jättemysig blogg :D
ReplyDeletehelen: det blir lätt så, haha. man borde kanske försöka vänja sig vid att sova ensam så att man inte blir helt borta när man väl måste :)
ReplyDeletefredrik: jo, på ett sätt kan jag också tycka det, men jag sover så himla dåligt när jag är ensam av någon anledning. förutom på morgonen när jag väl lyckats somna. det blev mest lite smiths-skivor!
ottilia: åh, tack så mycket!
I don't like sleep alone too...