I've been wondering, what film do you use? and do you use photoshop?
I mostly use Fuji Superia (iso 400 or 800) since it has really good quality for a cheap price. I usually do editing in photoshop, but I've found that film doesn't always need it since some photos already look good straight from the negative. (I've included two unedited photographs below). I never use photoshop on my polaroids, unless it's in order to make them look more like the original (my scanner often makes them too red). For digital I always use photoshop since I think it needs it to look good colour- and contrastwise.

I'm wondering how many films you must developing a week.
Always different, but most of the time I shoot at least one roll of film per week, and then I wait until I have like three or four finished rolls and get them developed (not by myself though).
What do you do for a living? Besides photography, of course.
At the moment, nothing. I've applied for a course in psychology but I applied for it a little too late so I ended up on the reserve list. I guess we'll see how everything goes when the course starts. I'd like to continue studying photography some day as well, but first I want a real and steady income so that I can afford to move to a new city.
Why so little digital work now? I think you can still find challenge and adventure in any medium.
I do think digital is as challenging as anything else, but I don't like the process. It's all done too fast, and the results are often not as appealing to me as film is. All digital cameras are the same, compared to film-cameras which all have different personalities and qualities. It's just a lot more fun to shoot film, and it often gives better results, at least I think so.

How many cameras do you own? do you develop film yourself?
Maybe eight that still work, I'm not at home right now so I can't count them. I develop black and white film myself (at my old school, they are so kind to let me use their stuff once in a while), but I leave colour films to the professionals at a local shop where I live.
I just want to know how you get ideas for your photos and what kind of camera you have?
Not sure where everything comes from, when I get an idea it's very impulsive and it's usually while I'm already shooting something else. It can basically be anything, and my photos are often moments I'd like to keep in mind for the future. I don't know what else to say, it's a hard question :) But I can definitely say that I am constantly amazed and inspired by the fantastic people I follow on flickr.
I have a number of different cameras, and the ones I use most frequently are these: (analogue) zenit-b, polaroid sx-70, polaroid colorpack II and a photina reflex tlr. For digital I use a canon 350d and a nikon d70 (which is my boyfriend's).
I always wanted to know how you met your boyfriend.
We met for the first time under a tree not far from a trainstation in the city where I went to school at the time. Before that we had written things to each other over the internet and phone basically everyday for a couple of months, and after a while we realized that we lived kind of close, so we decided to meet. That first time we were both really quiet and only spoke a few words until I had to catch the last bus home, we just sat under the tree, listening to music. I remember sending him a textmessage after I'd gotten on the bus that said "I regret not kissing you". And now, here we are, more than four years later.

I'm all the way over here in Canada, so I was interested in knowing what opportunities there are for starting photographers where you live (and I'm not entirely sure where that is...) Here, we have photography classes in Highschool, then you can take photography in University. What is it like where you are?
I live in Sweden (maybe you knew that already and don't know where Sweden is, but it's in Europe) :) We basically have the same opportunities I guess, we have classes in high school as well and more serious educations on university level. I'm not sure if high school is the same thing in Sweden as it is in Canada, but I took classes during the last two years of my high school-period and I think it helped me a lot to get where I am today.
i do love your home, especial for the wallpaper!! did you decorate your home on your own?
I still live with my parents and they decorated it when it was built in the late seventies, so that probably explains all the wallpaper. I really like the different patterns as well, at least in photographs. In real life, a whole room filled with wallpapers like that doesn't look too good.

(This was the only question I got in Swedish, heh, so I decided to translate it):
What was your first camera?
When I was seven or eight years old my dad gave me a regular point and shoot-camera (35mm) for christmas. It was a minolta of some sort, I still have it and I'm sure it still works as well. My first digital was a crappy compact from Hewlett Packard with 1,5 megapixels that I bought when I was thirteen or fourteen years old. It broke during a concert in Gothenburg when I was fifteen.
sv. hihi förstår det! den är så sjukt underbar. fick ge 390 kr inkl frakt från usa! den är ju limited till 1000 om jag inte minns fel!
ReplyDelete(ps: jag kollade, och jag fick ge 280 kr! mindes fel haha.)
ReplyDeleteHar du några duktiga personer på flickr att tipsa om?
ReplyDeleteWhat a romantic story of you and your boyfriend (:
ReplyDeleteawh, please don't stop writing in swedish! i love reading it on here :) haha
ReplyDeletelisette: åh, det kan nog ta en stund, skriver ihop en liten lista och återkommer senare :)
ReplyDeletefatsch: aw, thanks, haha :)
anonym: I won't stop, I was just talking about this entry since there was no point writing any swedish :)
lisette: här är ett par länkar till ett par av mina favoriter:
ReplyDeletesam coldy
katarina smuraga
dusdin condren
tamara lichtenstein
melanie rodriguez
violeta niebla
logan jack
sen kan du ju alltid ta en titt i min kontaktlista, här :)
Lovely story there... you and your boyfriend. :)
ReplyDeletegreat to get to know more about you;)
ReplyDeletele mak: hihi :)
ReplyDeleteeni: glad you think so, haha!
thank you for this post
ReplyDeletei really enjoyed reading it
Thank you so much for posting in english once..so i can know a little bit about u :)
ReplyDeletevery nice, really.
I love your work.
At most testing to see if your annotation fuctinon works, supply doesnt!
ReplyDeleteanonym: what annotation function?
ReplyDeleteThanks for inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI found you in 30 under 30 women page.
I realy like your vision in photography.
thanks for shearing.
girts: thank you so much! :)